Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Who needs side mirrors anyway!

So…I am driving now in England….and ….well…I am doing fine….but the people…or rather peoples objects….on the left side of the road….might not be ….happy? I KEEP hitting…. stuff! Not hard…..well not really hard. Stuff like…mirrors on cars (who needs those side mirrors anyway…right?)…curbs..lots of curbs….and maybe a traffic wall thing dividing the road.

I had nothing to do with this one. Or any others…etc. (Source:agdnow.com) 
My plans….to see bits of England first half of each day and then to run through footage second half of each day….and to drink a ton of tea ….and eat amazing English apples and…maybe drink some beer….or a lot of ….beer.

Now to get some Clorox and clean …..EVERYTHING!!!

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