Thursday, February 13, 2014

Tigers and Pooh Bear…or Pooh Bear and Tigers

Everyone loves Winnie the Pooh

Ok. So I am in the middle of nowhere…in a forest…and we pull up next to a forestry ranger station.

Disney character of choice in Asia
(Photo: JLewis)
What was really interesting to me was the fact that the people in Nepal and actually all the Asia countries I visited… seemed to have grasped a love of using large square shaped plastic bags with Disney characters. ESPECIALLY…..Winnie the pooh! Yeah. I don’t know what’s going on here either.

Anyway, the rangers we see at the station are leaving for patrol. And they must patrol far distances hiking overnight to look for poachers. They were all loaded with their gear…including guns. All military issue, except ….some also had these big square bags with some rendition of ……Winnie the pooh. Was just kinda funny to watch them all march away in to the bush with guns and pooh bear.

Side note of serious: Don’t get me wrong. I have extreme respect for these rangers. They risk their lives every day to protect the highly endangered species in the parks of Nepal. Without them, there would be no more tiger, elephant or rhinos left in this country. Most were almost wiped out completely during the recent insurrection (about 10 years ago). And because of the hard work of these men, numbers have begun to come back. They are still at incredible risk of being extirpated, but they do have a chance, and would not without extreme oversight by these people. 

Thus ends the side note of serious.

Should you drink that water?

So we get to this ranger station post. And Gopal says…ok. So we are now gonna hike on foot….for five hours….to a site where we can get a boat and survey on the river…and oh….bummer…I forgot to bring water. ………………………………….
These dots are in my mind……….dot…… ….NO F'ING way……….Ok. So you can see where I am at now…remember how yesterday I was given a salad?…that I was supposed to not eat (i.e. the cucumbers)? ….Well…..I ate…some…and as a result…probably…I started my first case of Delhi Belly last night. So…I am …already dehydrated…a bit…and it is hot. IN addition…..I should let you know…that since I have arrived…my usual…and this stays pretty steady for the whole trip…is to get about 4 hours of sleep a night. I am up at dawn each day….running to locations…filming all day….getting back after dark…and then after eating….I must download…video…and audio and then check it….and then back it all up on multiple hard drives. This process usually gets me to about 2 am each eve. Not whining….just explaining….so after my first few days…I am getting….um….whiny.

So I say to Gopal…Ummm…No. So he gets a coke bottle and runs to the ranger well and fills it with water…that  ummm looks like ….dirt. I tell him…NO. He giggles and …we are off. Fuck.

Photo: JLewis
First stop…creek where we have to take off our boots to cross. No biggie. But…we get to the other side..and our guides wanna go…NOW! There were tiger tracks there….sooo….maybe there is a reason to move…NOW….So Gopal says….just leave your boots off. ……DOT….DOT….Well..lets consider…tiger eats me bc I am the only stupid meat left putting shoes on…or…Go…I opt go NOW. And….within less than five minutes…..Big MF splinter from Nepal decides Jennifer is a great place to lodge! Goody. But.....must man up…and keep inside voice …..inside and carry fing on…FINE! Hike ….hike…it is interesting…how much you are willing to walk…and how fast….when you consider…that …tigers are watching….

We get to place where the guides have their dug out canoe…Hmmm. ….How much does this camera cost? And …how tippy is that….canoe? I know…whiny bitch…It is the way of the Jennifer today. I say…umm… camera…um…and Gopal gives my pack to the other guide to hike in to the next location. Yes I feel bad! I suck! I am …inside voice….grateful.

I get in canoe…and off we go.
Yeah….don't worry about me…I probably won't
die..quickly (Photo: JLewis)
We meet up with other guide and hike….just a little more. Then settle on the river bank. This is the Geruwa. And it is ….so shallow. And of such small width. There will be no dolphins in here. Which is….not good. And the motor boat that is to meet us, does not show.
We decide to film anyway. Gopal in the canoe doing a survey. This is how they actually run some surveys here. So at least I capture 1) Gopal running a survey and 2) how small this river is now (important bc of the effect of the dams).

When he gets back on shore…I am …well…about to pass out. The dehydration …no water…and probably period on way…is wearing me down. I for the first time realize I am at a ….point of no more moving. I rarely hit this. But. I know when I do…that I need to pay attention to it. So I tell Gopal…umm…you know how you are ….um….like 20…..and I am….like…old enough to be your mom? Well…I AM GONNA DIE. Just sayin. What does he respond with? Could we do another interview here?......Dot………….die….Ok. F'ing fine.
My view…as I sit…on these nice comfy rocks…in the hot sun….with no 
water….and with a splinter in my foot…as I wait to die. 
Notice I do not even give a shit about the tigers at this point. (Photo: JLewis)

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