Saturday, February 8, 2014

What is it like? And …..will I die?

Nepal Kicks ASS!!!!
Road outside the Lodge, Nepal (Photo: JLewis)
Today I awoke to the amazing sounds of this country. And Nepali tea!!!
We are situated in the middle of rice fields that go on forever, in a small lodge on the edge of Bardiya National Park. 

AND….AND…..AND….they have western toilets!!! I am saved!!! Also, a shower. But bitter cold…so…I …ummmm… Ignored it…let us just say. I’d rather be dirty. Sink works fine so don’t think the most horrible thoughts about me! I am partially clean! 

Lodge, Nepal (Photo: JLewis)

When I arrive there are some British guests, some from Paris and a group of granolas. All leave at the end of day two because of the strike that starts tomorrow. Once that starts you can no longer get anywhere except by motorcycle or bike or the strikers will…um…. kill you. Oh …good. More about this later.

What is rural Nepal like?
People here still cultivate only with oxen. No tractors here. Which is
Plowing a rice field, Nepal (Photo: JLewis)
awesome! Amazing to watch! All homes are small and built of mud with thatched roofs. Some grow melons on top of their roof. Some homes have power via solar panels. Power is negligible here because of the cost. So at night is pitch dark.

Women carry enormous amounts of stuff on their heads.  I will not complain about my bags anymore. Everyone is on foot for most part. Some ride bikes. Others motorbikes.

Rural road, Nepal (Photo: JLewis)
The roads we take to travel are essentially berm’s that divide fields. This is the kind of road we took everywhere we traveled when in this area. Means a not super comfortable ride, but absolutely beautiful because we are cutting through the countryside.

Nepali dog (Photo: JLewis)
Everyone has the most beautiful complexion. Beautiful faces and smiles. Everyone has oxen, a few sheep or goats maybe and chickens. And dogs. No cats. Good! (Sorry cat people)

Garden at Lodge, Nepal (Photo: JLewis)

Colors are amazing, warm golden yellows. To say it looks like you just walked into a dream is …well….basically spot on! It is simply the most incredible place I travelled through while in Asia. Hands down.

Adventure Accidents!
So what exactly is it like to ride on the back of a motorcycle across Nepal between rice fields? Well probably more fun than for most because each time, I must carry not only my 70 pound backpack of gear (which I found I can handle ….thanks to advil…a lot of advil), a monopod in one hand and a power point projector in the other. Yep. Now  add to this that we are travelling over dirt and stones (yeh…what is a paved road?)  twists and turns, through rivers and forests on these tiny little berms (that divide the fields) , avoiding cattle, goats, dogs, people, etc. …if you can picture this…then you understand…You understand that…Jennifer needs more advil. And something……stronger.

Riding in rural Nepal (Photo: JLewis)

Today we had our first two what I will call “Adventure accidents”. An adventure accident is just a minor scrape…so you would use this term in a phrase like this…no one was killed so …hey…it was just an adventure accident!

Number 1. Sometimes animals are slow….to get out of the way…and we tapped..Yes…just tapped…a….um…a baby lamb. NO NO! It was fine…Happy as a…lamb…adventure accident!

Number 2…This one was actually all me…and not on the bike…but hit by another bike. I know! Not good! So there is this really small suspension bridge we have to cross each day. Maybe about 5 ft wide? And for some reason…I actually do not know why…I have to get off the bike at this juncture each time and walk across and reconvene on the other side. So… on this day…or maybe it was the next…but …well. Anyway…we get back to the bridge at night. Shoot. I gotta get off and cross. But…ummm. No power means no lights. And..other cycles are also crossing….and they have no lights on. Great. I am already way into the bridge so …either jump (Nope…not gonna) or I dunno…roll with it. Was just a little scrape. Didn’t hurt at all. Adventure accident!

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