Saturday, January 11, 2014

Do you remember physics….at all? No?....Bummer.

It's not like you have to build a space shuttle….sort of…

Day…not one….But lets just call it that for the sake of argument. For it is the day that I ….1. Learned I am wayyyy out of my mind for even considering this crazy adventure and 2. It is the day that I actually got excited that I was GOING TO DO it! Here is basically what it feels like:

Ring ring….Hello Jennifer? Yes….this is NASA….you know how we need new space shuttles. …aha…yes. The ones that go into space….yep…those ones.  So….we need you to build one for us and have it ready in exactly one month…..Jennifer? ……..Jennifer? …yes….they have books on physics and engineering at Amazon…aha ….yes….principals about lift….g-forces…air tight…heat resistant tiles ……aha…yes…exactly. ….OK….. Are we good? …what?  …..Can you have wine while you build it? ….ah….sure.

What am I doing?
Well… It seems I am going to try and make a documentary about the people who work to conserve the Ganges river dolphin. A dolphin that is highly endangered and ranges between Nepal and Bangladesh.  

So…have I made a documentary before? ……Nope. But I tell you what! Trader Joe's has a great selection of cheap but good cabernets! That ….is what I can tell you. :)

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